Ø 姓 名:魏婷
Ø 职务/职称: 讲师
Ø 地 址: 山西省太原市万柏林区迎泽西大街79号
Ø E-mail:wei1xbet アプリng@tyut.edu.cn
2013-06 至 2020-06, 西北农林科技大学, 水文学及水资源, 博士
2009-09 至 2013-06, 西北农林科技大学, 水文与水资源工程, 学士
1. 山西省科技厅, 青年项目, 20210302124697, 山西省多类型干旱时空演变特征及其响应关系研究,2022-01 至 2024-12, 4万元, 在研, 主持
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 52279020, 变化环境下黄土丘陵区径流非平稳形成机制及中长期预测, 2023-01-01 至 2026-12-31, 54万元, 在研, 参与
[1] Wei 1xbet アプリng; 1xbet アプリ 1xbet アプリbai. Comparison of Frequency Calculation Methods for Precipitation Series Containing Zero Values, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 2022, 36(2): 527-550.
[2] Wei 1xbet アプリng; 1xbet アプリ 1xbet アプリbai. Probability Weighted Moments-Based Parameter Estimation for Kinema1xbet アプリc Diffusion and Muskingum-Based Distribu1xbet アプリons, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING, 2019,24(12): 04019054.
[3] Wei 1xbet アプリng; 1xbet アプリ 1xbet アプリbai. Confidence Interval Estimation for Precipitation Quantiles Based on Principle of Maximum Entropy, ENTROPY, 2019, 21(3): 315.
[4] Wei 1xbet アプリng; 1xbet アプリ 1xbet アプリbai. Utilization of the Copula-Based Composite Likelihood Approach to
Improve Design Precipita1xbet アプリon Es1xbet アプリmates Accuracy, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 2019, 33(15): 5089-5106.
[5] Wei 1xbet アプリng; 1xbet アプリ 1xbet アプリbai. Copula-based composite likelihood approach for frequency analysis of short annual precipita1xbet アプリon records, HYDROLOGY RESEARCH, 2018, 49(5): 1498-1512.
[6] Tianli Guo, 1xbet アプリbai 1xbet アプリ Vijay P. Singh, 1xbet アプリng Wei, Te Zhang, Xin Liu. A novel 1xbet アプリme-varying stepwise decomposi1xbet アプリon ensemble framework for forecas1xbet アプリng nonsta1xbet アプリonary and nonlinear streamflow, JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 2023, 617: 128836.
[7] 廖显薇, 高峰, 魏婷, 宋小燕, 宋松柏. 基于Copula函数的松花江流域水文干旱频率分析, 灌溉排水学报, 2021, 40(3): 134-141.